Friday, November 4, 2011

Grosgrain Fridays

I love/hate visible branding. Overdone, it's gauche, but over-gauche can be chic. And vice-versa. Thom Browne does it beautifully.

his and hers

sans trousers

striped and scuffed

suits and silver

Wooster's watch band

and tie clip


and badges

photographs via Tommy Ton, Street FSN, and eBay


Matthew Spade said...

it's working, it's quite heavy as in it's on everything but it seems super classes. guess it depends whose's wearing it to. you rock it izz

ian said...

I like it. Generally I am completely opposed to wearing anything with a huge brand on it. I don't want to pay to be a walking advertisement. This little flair by TB is real cool though. Makes me thing it might bee cool to stitch a little color here and there to provide a little flash.

Unknown said...

Yet more proof that Nick Wooster is the icon of our times. Invariably, he get is right.


BJ Pascual said...


Nice collection of photos. Effort!

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