Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Alexis Mabille x Barbie Bow Tie

From the Colette website: "Alexis Mabille is interested in Ken, the fiance of Barbie, and draws a very smart bow tie which the boys can wear with a shirt and girls in headband."

I thought I'd seen everything.  A little too esoteric for most formal affairs I'm invited to yet a little too buttoned-up for drinks with friends, can you think of any occasion to wear this?  Oh yeah, my own wedding!

Edit: What do you think about the blog's new look?  I felt that it was getting too hot for all that black.


Kirstie Sequitin said...

quite strange, but awesome!!

Noelle Chantal said...

Haha, that is so cute! def your kind of style, Izzy! I can now imagine you wearing it. So cool-it! hehe

And thank you thank you for the wonderful words at my summer post. :)

Emma Homestay Bandar Tasik Puteri said...

I always love his bow-tie collections, and this one adds some needed humor in these difficult times...
I'd wear this to a small party with friends etc.
BTW I like the new look of your blog. So cool for the eyes. I also recently changed my blog template HAHA

we could grow up 2gether said...

gawd, thats HIGHlarious!

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